What is A Strength Based Treatment for ADHD: The Six Super Skills
This is a 5-week, self-study online course for therapists to learn how to treat ADHD and executive functioning with a strength based approach including using the Six Super Skills in therapy or coaching:
- Find Gifts
- Set Goals
- Chunking
- Boost Motivation
- Emotional Regulation
-and Attention Management.
In this training program you will learn to treat your own clients with the strength-based approach to treating ADHD. Specific tools for meeting targeted treatment goals will be reviewed along with the latest research supporting the need for a new ADHD treatment.
Learn interventions to increase focus and persistence and decrease impulsivity. The unreliability of diagnosis and solutions to it are offered. Learn solutions for symptoms and building on strengths to increase motivation and confidence to solve real world problems. Trainees will be able to implement responsive therapy to meet emerging needs on a moment to moment basis.
This training program will offer multiple tools for treating specific target complaints. You will receive a downloadable handout with 38 different tools for treating attention deficits, impulsivity and improving real world outcomes.
Who should take this course?
If you are a therapist who wants to be equipped to help clients with Executive Dysfunction have targeted tools that are transportable to the consulting room, you will have game plan matching interventions to specific symptoms.
The interventions were derived from a thematic analysis of clients’ responses to the question “What was the most helpful thing we did this session?” . The six super skills resulted from many years of finding clusters of simpler, memorable, transportable skills. Therapy is intended to provide a corrective emotional experience and often worksheet based paperwork in therapy interferes with that because it feels like “homework” which has negative associations.
As a sample of these "most helpful" interventions, clients listed
- Increase Attention by Decreasing Stress
- Increase Attention by Increasing Interest in a Task
- Increase Attention by Prioritizing
- Increase Attention by Saying No to Unreasonable Demands
- Increase Focus by Setting Goals
These are 5 of the 38 intervention that are included in the handout offered in the program.
Any caring adults, teachers, coaches, doctors, parents who want to be an ally to those struggling with executive dysfunction will find tools for resilience by making them feel cared for with specific skills and encouragement to find their talents.
What Results Will You Get From This Course?
1. Discover the 5 gifts of ADHD. Discuss how ADHD may offer advantages in a global and digital culture.
2. Provide parent coaching including teaching parents to use empathic responses rather than rescuing responses.
3. Learn how to build on intense interests to transform symptoms into strengths.
4. Match the gifts of ADHD to job descriptions and list academic and career possibilities for ADHD clients..
5. Explain the number one diagnostic error in ADHD and discuss explanations for the skyrocketing rates in ADHD diagnoses.
7. Discuss how scientific breakthroughs in neuroplasticity offers opportunities to build a growth mindset in the treatment of ADHD.
What is included in the course?
- 10 hours of video
- audio
- multiple downloadable documents that you can use for clients and learning about responsiveness in psychotherapy.
- unlimited access
Course Outline
Section 1 - Introduction:
Welcome to the Course
About Your Instructor
Outline and Objectives
Review Diagnostic Symptoms
Han Solo has ADHD
Case Studies of the Gifts of ADHD using Informants
5 More Paradigm Shifts in Treating ADHD
Section 2 - The Fundamentals
Managing Attention Deficits
Managing Impulsivity and Hyperactivity
Create Real World Success
Section 3 - The Six Super Skills
Finding Gifts
Goal Setting
Chunking - The Power of Stepping Stones
Boost Motivation
Emotional Regulation
The Science of Attention Management
Section 4 - The What, The Why, The How
The What
The Five Gifts of ADHD
ADHD Treatment for Children
The Why
The Gift of Creativity
The Gift of Empathy
The Gift of Exuberance
The Gift of Emotional Sensitivity
The Gift of Nature Smart
The How
Self-Talk Solutions
Section 5 - Advanced Tips
Guided Meditations
ADHD and Addictions
Dreams in Therapy
ADHD in the Workplace;
The Three Step – Intervention for Emotional Resilience
Why Parent Coaching is Fundamental to Behavior Change
Marriage Maintenance: Collaterals in ADHD Therapy
Brain Hacks - 5 Tools to Use in Therapy
Resources for Diagnosis and Assessment of ADHD
Responsiveness is the Prime Directive of this training program
Most therapists in practice will not follow a standardized manual and this training program uses RESPONSIVENESS as a prime directive. This means that with each client, in each session - even on a moment to moment basis - we want to respond to the needs of the patient. An article on responsiveness in the downloads section offers research based guidelines for making those decisions. Research shows that the research benefits of manualized treatments do not transfer to clinical practice.
Truijens, F., Zühlke‐van Hulzen, L., & Vanheule, S. (2018). To manualize, or not to manualize: Is that still the question? A systematic review of empirical evidence for manual superiority in psychological treatment. Journal of clinical psychology. DOI: 10.1002/jclp.22712
As a way of an introduction into this course. I want to start with this idea of flexible thinking. This is going to be one of the core components of executive functioning, which we will talk about later in terms of treating our clients. As a simple example, when you talk about the gift of ADHD, a lot of people will say, oh well it's actually a curse or it's by definition a deficit and a disorder. How can you say that it's a gift?
I invite you to think of "both/and" instead of "either/or". In terms of this idea of strength versus deficit disorder, We know that every single one of us has a profile of strengths and weaknesses.
About the instructor: Dr. Lara Honos-Webb
Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in Walnut Creek, CA. She has dedicated her life's work to ADD and ADHD and Executive Functioning. She is the author of 7 books that have sold more than 150,000 copies worldwide. The American Psychiatric Association included the Gift of ADHD (2005) in its recommended reading list in their “ADHD Parents Medication Guide.” She is recognized worldwide as an attention deficit disorder (ADD) expert. Her work has been featured in Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, US News and World Report and other national media.

What people say about this course:
"Dr. Honos-Webb's course provided a perfect, research-based framework I can implement in helping my clients with ADHD. I love her focus on strengths and building self-efficacy. I'd recommend the course to any behavioral health or primary care providers who regularly see clients with ADHD. "A Strength Based Approach to ADHD" could also be a valuable resource to parents wanting a deeper-dive, behind-the-scenes look into theory and therapeutic practice." -Mary Wilde MD ,Imagine Pediatrics, PLLC
Raves for Six Super Skills for Executive Functioning: Tools to Help Teens Improve Focus, Stay Organized, and Reach Their Goals (2020)
"A great continuation of ‘Brain Hacks.’ Lara Honos-Webb is the best specialist in "executive functions" for all inhabitants of the neurodiversity planet: nerotypicals and neurodivergents. In these times of electronality, where virtuality resignifies our life, we must relearn how to develop each mind in the gift that it must become. 6 Super Skills for Executive Functioning teaches us how."
—Ernesto Reaño, psychologist, linguist, author of The Return to the Village. Neurodiversity, Autism,and Electronality.
"Teenagers need to be able to set and achieve goals, but their executive functioning often isn’t fully developed. Drawing on the latest neuroscience, Lara Honos-Webb provides a roadmap for masters these skills—which will set up teens for success not only in high school, but throughout their lives."
—Daniel H. Pink, author of WHEN and DRIVE
“Dr. Honos-Webb has done it again. With 6 Super Skills she has created a roadmap for teens and their parents to improve executive function and motivation to change related maladaptive habits—and to do so in a positive (re)frame. Her deep knowledge and experience working successfully with teens who have executive function issues is demonstrated in each suggestion she offers.”
—Robin S. Rosenberg, PhD, ABPP, ceo and founder of Live in Their World and adjunct clinical faculty at UC San Francisco, author of Abnormal Psychology and Introductory Psychology
“Dr. Honos-Webb has created a beautiful guide to self-mastery for youth who are struggling with executive function challenges that is accessible and straight forward. Backed by the latest research, it is chock full of helpful tips to create positive shifts in mindset that will empower any youth who practices these skills. This is definitely on my favorites list to share with the neurodiverse kids I work with and their parents.”
—Shawn V. Giammattei, PhD, professor of clinical psychology at Alliant International University, founder & director of the Gender Health Training Institute & Quest Family Therapy
“How can I envision, set, and achieve my goals in life?” Lara Honos- Webb breaks down this question for teens and young adults in a simple, step-by-step manner that is easy to follow for any reader. This book teaches big dreamers how to think S.M.A.R.T, deal with life’s challenges, and achieve ambitions with grit.”
—Grace Friedman, Advocate, Speaker, and Founder of ADDYTeen.com, author, Winning with ADHD
“Another informative and inspiring book by Lara Honos-Webb. This book is full of action-oriented tools that guide teenagers to learn the skills they need to stay focused, set goals, manage stress, stop negative thinking habits, and ultimately chart a course of positive thinking. Lara writes with compassion, acceptance, and optimism, as she encourages teenagers to shift their mindset, and move to a place of self-empowerment.”
—Robing Goldstein, PhD, instructor of child and adolescent psychology, UMBC, www.understandingkids.info
“While reading Dr. Honor-Webb’s clear and encouraging guide, my thoughts turned to the many people who go through life never believing in their own competence. She wants each teen to know that their minds can practice and grow important skills they might believe are impossible. She offers not only hope, but reassurance that they can build self-discipline and discover its gift – the freedom to choose.”
—Margaret Robinson Rutherford, PhD, clinical psychologist and author of Perfectly Hidden Depression: How to Break Free from the Perfectionism that Masks Your Depression
“Once again, Dr. Lara Honos-Webb has brilliantly put together an actionable and inspiring book for those with ADHD—this time written to teens. The "super skills" Dr. Honos-Webb shares in this book, synthesized through years of her own clinical research, are transformative tools that will be a true gift to each reader who applies them. The book's content is well-researched and peppered with illustrative stories to make it an enjoyable and accessible read.”
—Mary Illions Wilde, MD, integrative pediatrician and owner of Imagine Pediatrics Behavioral Health
“As a person with ADHD, I wish I had this book as a teenager. Dr. Lara Honos-Webb combines real science and real talk, to help us understand our minds and achieve our goals. Most importantly this book provides a roadmap for self-discovery, helping teens tune into their gifts, identify their strengths and build confidence along the way.”
—Margaux Joffe, founder of Kaleidoscope Society for Women with ADHD, and corporate social responsibility leader
Plus, understand that you make this investment at no risk. You are covered by my personal, Iron Clad, No Questions Asked, 15 day Guarantee. That is, you can spend 15 days going through the A Strength Based Treatment for ADHD: The Six Super Skills course and apply everything you learn to your business and life. If, within 15 days of your purchase, for any reason, you don’t believe the purchase was worth the investment, you can let me know and I will send you a full refund.
Proper Use of These Materials
Please note that these materials are copyrighted. This use is reserved as the sole province of Dr. Lara Honos-Webb, materials may be the subject of legal action.
Copyright © 2020 by Dr. Lara Honos-Webb All rights reserved. This Toolkit is licensed to you from Dr. Lara Honos-Webb These materials may not be used, modified, rented, leased, loaned, sublicensed, distributed, re-distributed or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, in whole or in part, without the written permission of The Gift of ADHD Institute.
Any counselor using these materials is not affiliated with Dr. Lara Honos-Webb in any manner, and retains all responsibility for his or her services. Dr. Lara Honos-Webb shall incur no liability whatsoever in connection with such services or distribution or use of these materials.